To supply its market with the latest innovations and technological breakthroughs, CHALAIR Aviation is once again relying on its tried-and-true historical partner, the TTI Zenith® PSS (Passenger Service System). They worked as a partner with our earlier iteration of Zenith® PSS (Aeropack) between the years 2009 and 2017, therefore many of us here at Travel Technology Interactive may be already familiar with them.

It’s truly exciting to see that some of our customers who had previously left us in the past few years have come back to us because they were extremely satisfied with our PSS supplier. We are incredibly proud that our partner, TTI, has been able to deliver such exceptional results and win back the trust of our valued customers.

As a company, we are always striving to expand our knowledge and expertise so that we can offer the best possible service to our clients. Our French customers, in particular, have been instrumental in building our reputation, and we are thrilled that Zenith® PSS has made significant inroads in the urban French market.

According to Echalier, TTI’s outstanding reputation has been a crucial factor in our success, and we are confident that our partnership will continue to deliver excellent results in the future.

In November 2018, Chalair Aviation contacted us to explore the option of reverting to Zenith® PSS. After careful consideration, CHALAIR decided to resume their partnership with TTI, their long-time historical partner.